Is DDP Yoga Any Good? Our Verdict - Men's Yoga Journal.Institute of Complete Education - I.C.E - Facebook.Tomtom Loquendo Tts Download - copaxboston.DDP Yoga - Chair Force I DDPY Free Download, Borrow.On reflection I'm a little surprised this isn't marked yellow, anything with three sets of mountain climbers and a pair of 5 second pushups is past the beginner phase in my book, but it was still very approachable with a little modification here and there. I'm not sure if I'm getting a little more used to Josh's style, if he's picking the pace up a bit, or both, but whatever the case I had a good time with this one. Finally a little deep stretching, folding forward over one outstretched leg then the other. I really liked it as a core alternative, the twist really got my obliques firing.

Ankle tappers were new to me, we start in pinfall but with our ankles together, lift the shoulders off the ground and tap one ankle then the other. The cooldown is pretty simple and basic with some nice core in the mix, 2 sets of prayer crunches and ankle tappers. We did some exploding knees- Josh can hold his leg out at an almost 90 degree angle!- and some broken table crunches, and we head to the cooldown/core sequence. The final section was a bit of a Mish mash, Josh said we were going to do some warrior but it never arrived, I think he ran longer than he meant to. Two 5 second pushups wrap up the section. Third section is a pretty quick and basic balance section, the "knee to chest/foot out front" combo I never know what to call, first holding for 5 seconds, then 10. Another set of DR to round out the section. Then down into plank for a couple of 10 second planks, 3 sets of mountain climbers, and a 20 second plank.

The next section is pretty much the last couple of Josh workouts squished together, we start with more wide stance but this time it's some DR, flies and militaries. We start with Josh's version of the standard DDPY warmup, more or less basic but real long and with his wide stance "grand plie" position thrown in to the catcher squats. The pace is still fairly slow and deliberate, this is a Josh Nair workout, but there's a lot less talking and a lot more action than last week. This one was a little over an hour and marked as a blue diamond, although it definitely slides into yellow territory.

It's another Josh workout today, with Ted and Paul Walter Hauser in the recovery crib. A strange technical error had the wrong workout streaming for me yesterday, but my main man/leading lady/outstanding other u/Teachhimandher wised me up about the real new workout, and so here we are!