Run the installer and tick the box indicating you are aware that you are setting up your PC for unattended access. Navigate to the "Unattended Access" tab and download the installer. Open your PC and navigate to Zoho’s website, then log in as you did on the Mac. You will see a screen that looks like this: In any case, you or whoever is using your PC should click the link. You can also email it to yourself and walk over to your PC to set it up. To use the deployment link, either copy the link to your clipboard and manually send it to a user on your PC, or hit "Share" to email it to a user on your PC. Step 2 (optional): Use deployment link or download the installer Skip to the appropriate sub-step for instructions on each type of setup. There are three ways to set up unattended access: sharing a deployment link, downloading the installer, or bulk deployment. However, you can get around this using the Wake-on-LAN feature-more on that later. Your PC needs to be on and connected to the internet for this to work. With unattended access, you will be able to connect to your PC at any time by logging into your Mac and enabling a remote connection.

Unattended access Step 1: Choose your preferred setup method Otherwise, skip ahead to the instructions for attended access. To proceed with setting up unattended access, keep reading. Before setting up your Zoho account, consider what kind of access makes the most sense for you. It enables you to access your Windows PC from your Mac at any time-even when the PC is off, in some cases.