It also doesn't include supplemental material like creator interviews or scans of old concept art - things that have become more common with re-released classic games in recent years. Other than some light visual touch-ups and a music player to browse through the game's soundtracks, little has been done to tweak the games to make them more approachable to a new audience. Some gamers and reviewers also panned 3D All Stars' lack of extra features. When asked about the games' limited availability, Nintendo of Canada told CBC Radio that no spokesperson was available to comment on the matter. After that, it will disappear - possibly forever.

Super Mario 35, an online multiplayer twist on the original Super Mario Bros., will only be playable on the Switch from Oct. It's not the only game with a limited release window. "Presumably Nintendo knows, and they're not talking. With its unusual setting and focus on a water cannon that Mario wears on his back, Super Mario Sunshine is a divisive entry in the character's history.